Eddicy connectors for your charging infrastructure

Eddicy connectors for secure and reliable connections in your charging infrastructure

Connectors must ensure reliable transmission of energy and signals – coping with high voltages, harsh environments and the rough conditions of rail traffic. Connectors from Schaltbau are especially designed to meet theses requirements: Where safety and health of human beings are dependent on technology – as in transportation, mechanical engineering, lighting, food processing, battery charging, mining or offshore operations – the rugged heavy-duty connectors from Schaltbau are first choice.

Whether for railroads, charging stations of modern forklift fleets with lithium-ion batteries or control cabinets of supply and transformer stations – with Schaltbau Connections you stay connected to the most important OEMs of standardized hybrid cables for data, signal and power transmission. Because now the tried-and-tested, robust Schaltbau connectors for rail and industry are also available ready assembled. And just as you need your connector: with flexible standard cable, with special cable or cable according to customer requirements, ready-wired from a single source.

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